by a building debate in the scientific world, regarding the discrepancy of N sources and sinks, Foster R.A et al decided to study the N2-fixing events of diatoms;
mainly the genera Hemiaulus, Climacodium and Chaetoceros, and their symbiotically related heterocystous,
filamentous cyanobacteria; Richelia
intracellularis, Crocosphaera watsonii and Calothrix rhizosoleniae. These
symbiotic diatoms have been observed internationally in blooms but N2 and C fixation rates have never been monitored.
Previously, no advantage of the
relationship had been identified but it was hypothesized that the cyanobacteria
were providing their hosts with fixed N.
incubation of cultures from the Gulf of California and the sub-tropical North
Pacific were performed and nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometer
(NanoSIMS) was used to provide evidence that the fixed N2 was being transferred to the symbiotic
are unable to obtain N from N2 and so, they rely
on dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the form of nitrate and ammonium, which
exists at extremely low concentrations in the open ocean. Within Hemiaulus,
NanoSIMS was employed to show the quantifiable levels of the 15N label in each sample where,
using epifluroescence, symbiotic diazotrophs were shown to be residing. This verified that R. intracellularis was fixing N
from N2. However, the diatoms’ chloroplasts were also
enriched with N signifying that it
was transferred from the symbiotic companion.
The 15N label was most
apparent in the cyanobacteria, C.
watsonii associated with
Climacodium. In Chaetoceros, the observed C.
rhizosoleniae were also shown to be acquiring high-levels of N2; this was especially abundant
in the heterocyst and vegetative cells suggesting that the N was shifting from the C.
rhizosoleniae, along the trichome and across the cell membrane of Chaetoceros. This was also observed in the symbiotic relationship
between C. watsonii and Climacodium. These
were previously unrecorded function.
is interesting to note that in all cases studied, there was an equal or higher
enrichment of N in the diatoms than
in the vegetative cells. Diatoms in oligotrophic
conditions were thought to grow slowly due to the low concentrations of
nutrients. However, the team discovered
that enrichment of the 15N label was saturated after 3hrs, faster
than N-fixation was originally
anticipatedin cyanobacteria.
The transfer of the N
was also surprising. It was thought to
be slower due to the placement of the cyanobacteria strains. R.
intracellularis is located between the frustule and the cell membrane, C. watsonii location is unknown and the
C. rhizosoleniae is located extracellularly. The rapid transfer of the N was due to the observed movement of N through the trichomes and the cell
membrane (which was previously unobserved).
growth rates of the diatoms and their symbionts were all found to be very
similar. But a difference in the growth
rate of free-living C. rhizosoleniae
and R. intracelllaris, and those cyanobacteria
symbiotically existing with their hosts; the former having a much slower growth
rate and a smaller terminal size. The free-living cyanobacteria also showed
slower N-fixation rates.
relationships had always been assumed with little evidence, however, this paper
clearly demonstrates the hypothesis that the cyanobacteria symbionts fully
support the diatom’s need of N for
cell growth and is significant enough for symbiotic diatoms to be included in N-fixation models.
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