Microbial communities in the SMTZ are globally important as they
perform anaerobic oxidation of methane, consuming nearly 90% of all methane
produced in deeper sediments. This layer of sediment contains a distinct
community of Deltaproteobacteria and anaerobic methanotrophs (ANME).
The objective of this study was to investigate the microbial
community composition in different geochemical zones in relation to methane and
other abiotic factors of the sediment. Cores were taken from two different
sites from the Ulleung Basin. DNA was extracted and a PhyloChip micro-assay and
a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was used to assess
the microbial community structure.
It was concluded that the three different geochemical zones are
significantly different in terms of the microbial community however there was
some overlap in community structure. From the PhyloChip analysis, SMTZ was
found to have 74 taxa related to Deltaproteobacteria and the archaeal
taxa detected was related to Thermoplasmata. In the GHSZ a lower
diversity of 65 taxa were found related to Vibrio-like taxa. Little DNA was extracted from FGZ
samples and therefore analysis was very limited.
Archaeal genes were not found below the SMTZ which was unusual as archaeal methanogens were expected as the production of methane was present in the sediment but there could have been possible complications with detecting the archaea. Another possibility is that the methanogenic zone was not sampled, as it usually occurs below the SMTZ but in the upper 50 metres below the seafloor.
ANME are commonly associated with the SMTZ but was not found in
the Ulleung Basin, but the Marine Benthic Group-B was detected instead which
suggests that other microbial groups are involved in the oxidation of methane.
Another explanation would be that the samples missed the area of high ANME
From the GHSZ, two distinct microbial groups were discovered,
separated along the hydrate saturation of the nearest hydrate layer vector. The
presence or physical properties associated with hydrate was thought to affect
microbial distributions at varying distances from the source. Vibrio-types
are one of the species that prefer sediments closer to the hydrate containing
Applying these significant patterns to other sedimentary
environments will be very difficult as the microbial community can vary greatly
according to location therefore assumptions should not be made on the basis of
previous studies.
Briggs, B.R., Graw, M., Brodie, E.L., Bahk, J., Kim, S., Hyun, J., Kim, J., Torres, M. and Colwell, F.S. (2013) Microbial distributions detected by an oligonucleotide microarray across geochemical zones associated with methane in marine sediments from the Ulleung Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 47: 147-154