Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is an increasing and serious problem
for disease control, especially for public health since the common antibiotics
are becoming less effective and only a few new drugs are under investigation.
Due to the use of antibiotics in aquaculture, many compounds accumulate in the
oceans and various bacterial species have developed resistance. The resistance
genes are commonly associated with mobile plasmids within the bacteria and
genetic exchange between bacteria via
horizontal gene transfer (HGT) often involves these parts of genetic
information. The total gene pool for antibiotic resistance of pathogenic and
non-pathogenic bacteria is referred to as the resistome, which has not been
well studied for marine bacteria.
This study aimed to investigate the bacterial resistome of marine fish
farm sediment and further examined the relationship between the ocean resistome
and the pathogenic resistome in order to establish its clinical importance.
Marine sediment was sampled and plasmids were metagenomically analysed to
identify the resistance genes. Results showed that the majority of collected
plasmid DNA came from Proteobacteria
hosts (82 %) of which 54 % belonged to the Gammaproteobacteria.
58 resistance genes with high homology (≥ 80 % identity) were found as well as
numerous ones with an overlap of 40 – 80 % of resistance genes from the
databank which suggests an occurrence of yet unknown genes from the marine
The 58 resistance genes with high identity were associated with 11
classes of antibiotics and the distribution of these genes is shown in the
figure below and it becomes obvious that the marine sediment is a reservoir of
a variety of antibiotic resistance genes.
In addition to this, around 10 % of all reads were linked to a gene
which encodes an antibiotic resistance compound in the human pathogen Salmonella enterica that causes gastroenteritis.
Altogether, six contigs (overlapping DNA segments/reads) with antibiotic
resistance genes from human pathogens were found in the marine samples with
more than 90 % identity. Among the six, contig891 shared 99 % overlap with
several human pathogen species such as Yersinia
ruckeri and has also been detected in the fish pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida.
This study confirmed that plasmids are the key carriers of antibiotic
resistance genes and added knowledge to the diversity of antibiotics present in
the marine environment; so far only tetracycline and few others had been
identified. Moreover it was uncovered that many marine bacteria in the sediment
harbour antibiotic resistance genes highly similar to the ones found in human
pathogens and it can be concluded that these bacteria acquired their resistance
through HGT from the human pathogens that are continuously released into the
oceans. Since many antibiotics are introduced into the ocean through
aquaculture, many bacteria also had the opportunity to develop resistance. The
fish farm sediment bacteria are in constant contact with the fish and thus,
these bacteria can have a great impact on the global spread of antibiotic
resistance genes.
Yang, et al. (2013) Marine
Sediment Bacteria Harbour Antibiotic Resistance Genes Highly Similar To Those
Found in Human Pathogens. Microbiology of
Aquatic Systems
I found this very interesting to read especially after the post I put up previously. Did they suggest any way of controlling the spread of resistance into human pathogens?