regulator, precursor to the climate altering gas dimethyl sulfide,
cryoprotectant and occasional chess player; behold the famous
dimethylsulfoniopropionate, or DMSP, a ubiquitous component of the
water column and algal cells. The organic carbon in some
phytoplanktonic species can be as much as 20 percent DMSP and once
outside of a cell, DMSP can undergo a myriad of biological or
chemical transformations. There are many free living DMSP-consuming
bacteria (DCB) which cleave and demethylate DMSP for their carbon
needs; 5 percent of microbial carbon demand is estimated to be
fulfilled by DMSP alone. Most DMSP research has been aimed at its
metabolism, but little has been done on the DCB associated with
zooplankton; phytoplankton grazing is known to accumlate DMSP in
copepod guts and thriving DCB communities have been identified in the
copepod Acartia tonsa. This
study predicted that since copepod associated DCB abundances and
composition will vary with changes in which phytoplankton species are
being grazed, then they should also change in relation to DMSP
content of copepod diets. DCB abundances associated with A. tonsa
were tested across five phytoplankton diets varying in DMSP content.
The DMSP metabolising abilities of these bacteria were tested against
4 other carbon sources by measuring their growth rates, allowing a
clearer picture of how DMSP is used by microbes and what marine
adventures it undertakes in the environment.
ensure grazing behaviour was not a confounding factor, A. tonsa
diets were standardised in carbon content and consisted of 5
different phytoplankton species, all of which had similar cell sizes.
Despite prior knowledge that copepod consumption of DMSP rich
phytoplankton can increase DCB abundances, there was no clear
correlation between dietary DMSP content and DCB abundances. For
example, abundances of DCB in copepods fed with DMSP rich Alexandrium
tamarense algae were
similar in copepods fed DMSP deficient Dunaliella
tertiolecta algae.
This could be because the DCB associated with copepods might be using
other carbon sources; this is supported by previous work showing that
bacteria associated with copepod faeces, bodies and habitats are
usually from the same metabolically functional groups. DCB in this
study were also shown to be able to grow on all the other substrates
tested, with varying successes at assimilating either methyl or
carboxyl groups from each carbon source treatment.
it appeared that these DCB associated with copepods were very
metabolically flexible and whist not dependent on DMSP, they would
still make opportunistic use of it when it became available, so this
bacteria can maintain their populations even when DMSP is scarce.
This link between DCB and copepods highlights a potentially large
sink for DMSP spanning across all oceans, given how both copepods and
DMSP have cosmopolitan distributions. Further studies should give
attention to larger scale temporal and spatial variations in
phytoplankton communities and how they influence the communities of
DMSP metabolising bacteria which are a crucial part of how DMSP moves
and changes through ecosystems. These findings are especially
interesting because they establish that there is direct link in the
DMSP cycle between the zooplankton and marine bacteria; they also show that DMSP has more to offer than just being a chemotactic signal.
Dong , Gui-Peng Yang & Kam W. Tang (2013) Dietary effects on
abundance and carbon utilization ability of DMSP-consuming bacteria
associated with the copepod Acartia tonsa Dana. Marine
Biology Research, 9:8, 809-814.
Hi Dean, interesting review. Assuming that these DCB are not dependent only on the DMSP and were often found in free-living conditions, it would be interesting to know which direct benefits copepods gain with DCB with respect to one without. Do authors say something about metabolic exchange between DCB and copepod in both direction or DCB just feed on DMSP deriving from phytoplankton ingested? Thank you.
From this study it seems that DCB are very metabolically flexible and make opportunistic use of DMSP, but can also survive solely on DMSP.
DeleteThe authors do not mention any two way metabolic exchanges and do not discuss whether this is a symbiosis or not; they only consider bacterial consumption of DMSP ingested by the copepod.