Start searching for selective
advantage and becoming predation dynamics.
Vibrio parahaemoliticus is one of the principal sources of seafood-associated
human illness worldwide. Eating contaminated raw seafood or shellfish (for
example oysters) can lead a diarrheal disease. Different serotypes were
identified during last decade pandemic episodes and V. parahaemoliticus serotype O3:K6 was one of the most diffused. Although
high infecting dose of vibrios is required to lead outbreak, not only the
number of ingested organisms are important but also the presence of virulence
factors in them. Virulence factors are genes able to encode toxins, enzymes or
regulatory proteins that can enhance the infectivity and the pathogenicity of
the strain that show them.
Vibrio genus is widely spread as symbiont and pathogen but is also a prey of
other organisms. It’s known that Vibrio
can be predated by a class of gram- bacteria: Bdellovibrio and like organisms (BALOs). This group is phylogenetically
diverse and has complex life cycles with both host-dependent and host-independent
replication. BALOs exploit and kill hosts attacking on them and using host cell
content as nutrient reservoir for replication.
Richards et al. in this
article evaluate whether rpoS and toxRS genes confer advantages in uptake
or colonization of vibrios in Eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica or survival of vibrios in seawater. The rpoS and toxRS genes are involved in alternative stress response and virulence
regulation respectively so are considered integrally involved in Vibrio survival and virulence. Authors
hypothesized that knockout mutant for these genes (ΔrpoS and ΔtoxRS) could
have different colonization or survival success in respect to wildtype O3:K6.
They also evaluate growth and persistence of V. parahaemolyticus O1:KUT (strand for K untypeable) and V. vulnificus both associated with
outbreaks of seafood-associated illness or wound infections.
They set separate experiments to count number of each O3:K6, ΔrpoS and ΔtoxRS strain at 0, 24, 48, and 72h after same inoculation quantity
in: (A) tanks of natural seawater (NSW) with oyster and live microalgae (to
feed oysters); (B) in oyster directly (kept and fed in same conditions of A).
The result was a decrease of more than 96% after 48h and values of less 1%
after 72h in A; and after a peak of accumulation at 24h a following decrease of
91-97% at 72h in B for every vibrios strain inoculated. Since there were no
significant differences between three strains, authors proposed that toxRS and rpoS genes not give any selective advantages in colonization and
persistence in oysters.
To evaluate whether this failure to thrive was unique to this species
and serotype (O3:K6), they test in the same way (A and B design) V. parahaemolyticus O1:KUT and V. vulnificus comparing uptake and
persistence in seawater and oysters. Authors obtained same failure to survival:
significant decrease number after 24h and negligible level after 72h in A;
significant decrease after 72h in B. This result showed the inability of all these
pathogens to persist in NSW or oysters.
At this point to determine if Vibrio
level decrease in seawater was due to the filtering process of oysters, O3:K6
was inoculated in NSW (without oysters and added microalgae). The result was again
a significant decrease to negligible level after 72h. Indeed some factor in the
seawater was responsible for vibrios reduction.
A different interesting result was obtained testing the same inoculation
of O3:K6 in autoclaved seawater (ASW) and NSW. There was an increase of
1000-fold for the former and a decrease of 47-fold for the second, this last
result was coherent with all the previous results.
This step gives the idea of a heat-labile inhibitor. Authors devised a
plaque assay in order to quantify VPB and to obtain scanning microscopy images
of them. Furthermore was set the same counting experiment (0-24-48-72h for A
and B) monitoring the number of O3:K6 and VPB. Here they found an interesting
prey-predator relationship (FIG 1-A) in NSW but not in oysters because methods to detect
and count VPB within oysters are not yet available. Microscopy scanning images
were compared between O3:K6 plaque isolates (FIG 1-B) and Bdellovibrio bacterivorus and
Bacterivorax stolpii cultured in E.coli
host cell (both of them BALOs model species). This gave a good visual similarity
allowing authors to identify BALOs in a variety of morphology near to Bd. bacterivorus-, Ba. stolpii- and M. aeruginosavorus-like cells.
At this point, authors assayed for VPB samples of NSW from 5 different
sites on Atlantic and Pacific US coast and monthly in 4 sites in Delaware from
October to March. They found the higher level of VPB in the site with higher
salinity and average temperature, a marshland. Authors propose a possible
association of VPB with high-productivity marshes and high salinity, although insufficient
information were available to infer this correlation both with salinity and
temperature. However they support this hypothesis citing other evidences of
disappearance of V.vulnificus from
costal NSW and oyster in North Carolina after 2 years of hard drought.
In conclusion in this article authors start wanting to determine if toxRS or rpoS gene were involved in colonization and persistence of V. parahaemoliticus O3:K6 in oysters
giving a selective advantage to different strains. Step by step they excluded
strain-specific and species-specific features arriving to the identification of
a biotic factor as responsible for Vibrio
decrease in seawater. Started as a lab molecular experiment, it become an inter-specific
predation assay with also a screening of field samples. This work seems to me
like some of the pioneering works done for discover etiologic causes of
bacterial disease in past centuries. This article give useful details to better
understand pandemic Vibrio pathogen
outbreak, suggest that VPB should play an important role in Vibrio decline and maybe climatic
conditions limit potential spread of this pathogen. In my opinion more
investigation on the ecology of VPB should be done. Maybe revealing their
presence in other pathogen bacteria it should discover more prey and predators.
And VPB also being bacteria, what’s happens to them with antibiotics pollution?
Richards, G. P., Fay, J. P., Dickens, K. A.,
Parent, M. A., Soroka, D. S., & Boyd, E. F. (2012). Predatory bacteria as
natural modulators of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in seawater
and oysters. Applied and environmental microbiology, 78(20),
Amazing stuff, are VPBs in anyway pathogenic to eukarya such as ourselves? Would it be possible to introduce them to oyster/ other mollusc farms during seasons with high incidence of Vibrio outbreaks?
ReplyDeleteHello George, thanks for comment.
ReplyDeleteVPBs and particularly Bdellovibrio are high specific predators and they were described only on few Gram- prey ( as Vibrio and E. coli). They use specific enzyme mixtures to bore different layers of procariotic cell envelope to finally open the cell wall and go inside to reproduce. So i guess, we and other eukarya are safe from them ( at least untill someone describes it). Interesting some VPBs are co-cultured on E. coli as host-prey (e.g. the species used in the microscopy section of the paper I have reviewed). So probably they can be used as biological control to Vibrio infections.